Monday, February 28, 2011

How I met Sara

One of the ways Jonkoping University integrates the exchange students with the local Swedes is through the contact person program. And of course, being an advocate of student organizations, I signed up for the contact person program. I quickly received an email from my new Swedish friend,Sara Hernsäter. This new found cyber relationship was exactly what I needed to relieve my anxiety and fear of the unknown. We exchanged emails quite frequently, she gave me all the info about local gyms and what type of things I should pack...she pretty much rocked with helping me prepare for my long journey ahead. Sara has been so sweet and patient.

 She picked Jime and I up with her second contact student (Chris from Poland) and took us to IKEA to go shopping for our bedding, and also Willy's the local grocery store.

Here are some highlights from that day:

Friskis och Svetis

So, here are some tips for all of you women that WISH you could love the gym, and exercising, but just despise it with all your being...

1. Dress for Success: Buy a pair of gym pants that make you feel confident. I bought a pair of black spandex pants that flair at the bottom to make me look sporty and accentuate my curves. Also, get gym pants, not shorts,  this way you are eliminating any excuses you might make for yourself. for example, "Oh I didn't shave my legs today..." or "I can't go to the gym wearing these goofy socks!" Eliminate excuses.
2. Say Goodbye to feeling Frumpy: Whoever thought there was a rule stating that you have to look gross and sweaty in the gym is sadly mistaken.  Ladies, don't be afraid to wear your makeup! Just because we are exercising does not mean we can't look good doing it. Put on some bronzer, mascara, and clear gloss to let your glam goddess shine while your workin on your fitness.
3. Accountabilibuddies: translation; friends that hold you accountable for your gym time. They will be your conscience when you decide to give up. They will make you feel like taking responsibility for your actions, and call you out when you are clearly slacking. They will be your support. Get some.
4. Crucial Jams: Music is an essential tool that alters our moods dramatically, so creating a killer playlist is imperative to how hard your going to hit the gym. Some artists that really get me pumped is Black Eyed Peas, The Used, Ludacris, The White Stripes, Rage Against the Machine, and most Techno artists.
5. Feel Great, Even in the Locker Room: Ladies, we all know we dress for other women, so why not flaunt what you got and rock a sexy colorful bra! I got this hot pink and yellow bra that makes me feel fun-loving and confident.
6. Greatest Investment: Invest in quality sneakers. Many overlook this necessity with ease, but if your feet feel sore, then basically your entire body is tired. We all need the support and comfort a quality gym shoe has to offer.
7. Create a Routine: The key to results is being consistent and focused. By creating a regular routine in the gym, you are committing to a healthy and meaningful workout. Your form is everything, try not to rush through the exercise. Take your time, and focus on the muscles you want to work, and getting a good, sweaty exercise. No sweat = Little or no results.
8. Lock It Up: Like I said earlier about eliminating your excuses, buying a lock and keeping a spare gym bag handy on site does exactly that. So often we forget or don't have time to pack a gym bag. So invest 10 bucks tops on a lock, and keep everything you need at the gym! I always keep handy my sneakers, extra pair of socks, water bottle (staying hydrated is essential to our health, in and out of the gym), a fitted spandex tank top (spandex doesn't wrinkle) deodorant, and lotion to moisturize after the shower. (Moisturizing is one of the most important keys to aging beautifully.)
9. BFF's 4 L: Make friends with the gym staff. Once you are on a first name basis you really start to feel  at home. And maybe you can even swap training tips. Sharing is caring. :)
10. Pace Yourself: Yes, we all need to challenge our bodies and make them sweat, but avoid working out so hard that you are sore for a week after that. And too traumatized to try it again.
11. Help Thy Neighbor: If you see someone struggling or needing a spot, offer to jump in and help. I guarantee they will appreciate it more than you know.
12. Snack Time: Bring an after gym healthy snack. We naturally get hungry after exercise because we burn the carbohydrate stored in our muscles and liver and it needs to be replaced. We also need protein to build and repair normal muscle damage that occurs during exercise. I like Apples because they are tasty and inexpensive. 
13. Homework: Sometimes its ok to bring the workout home with you. In case I know my schedule won't allow me to go to the gym, I keep a yoga mat in my room to do some core exercises. 
14. Gold Star For You!: Create your own incentive plan. For example, If you do 20 minutes of intensive cardio, then you can have that chocolate for dessert. Or if you add 5lbs to your regiment, then you get to take a bubble bath and have a glass of wine when you get home. Reward yourself. You are worth it.

And remember, the gym is your best friend!!

London, England

So I am currently in London at the White Fairy Hostel in my top bunk. I just painted my nails, and now I am relaxing in bed preparing to fall asleep within the hour. As you are reading this, you might be wondering, shouldn't I be spending every waking moment sightseeing this beautiful city? Yes, I couldn't agree more. But a series of events led me here, now. Writing this blog. But before I get into what happened tonight, I'd like to take you to the very beginning of my British journey...

Jime and I trying to pack for London...
Friday Night
As most of you might know, studying abroad often involves the occasional "college festivities" which in my case, turned out to be a raging 100+ person flip cup tournament at my accommodation. Lucky for me, I live in the largest student housing facility in Jonkoping, awesome...

This tournament came fully equipped with 8 different teams including The Wolfpack, Delta 1, The V Crew, Jonkopink, The Black Mambas, and the Alley cats (an all girls team that painted whiskers on their faces.) This college festivity was also happening at the exact time I was packing and leaving for London, at midnight that same day. Needless to say, there was a lot going on. So, instead of getting an early night sleep, I just pulled an all-day-er. Yes it happened, an all-day-er.

The WolfPack
The Black Mambas (IA Team)

The Alley Cats


Saturday- Day 1
So Jimena , Victor, and I caught the cheapest flight we could find ($26-RyanAir Airlines) which has its definite pros and cons. 
Major Pro = can pretty much travel to anywhere in Europe for less than 50 bucks round trip.
Cons = You can only bring one carry on bag, cannot sleep on the plane because they play advertisements over the intercom the entire time, the landing always feels like a crash landing and they play a victory song over the intercom and everyone claps when you land successfully (pretty sketch.) 
Ultimately, the opportunity to travel overrides any discomfort I may temporarily experience. So I give RyanAir the stamp of approval!

Jime and I at the airport waiting for our flight.
After a long night of traveling, we finally arrive in the London Airport at 10am (one hour ahead of Sweden.) This is where I had my first British encounter...As non- UK citizens, Jimena and I had to get our passports checked before entering the new country. So I went to the desk and this thin woman with a smug face just stared at me and said (at me, not to me) "Ma'am, you need to complete this identification card. Go complete it." But the problem was a section on the card requested the information of the hostel I was staying in while in London, and only Victor (who had already passed through customs) had this information. So I asked her, "Yes I understand ma'am, but my friend..." Before I could even complete my sentence, she cuts me off. "No YOU don't understand, I can't assist you until you complete your card. Go complete it." I was fuming at this point...there is nothing in this world that bothers me more than bad customer service...Just when I was about to lose it like I was on the show Boiling Points, Victor shows up and helps me with the missing information. Once we finally got past the dragon lady, I saw things turning up...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My first day skiing

Although I stayed out pretty late the night before, there was nothing that could have stopped me from going on the Ski/Sauna Resort trip today! So I woke up at 5:45am, ran to Jimena’s room (which the locks don’t work) and opened her door to jump on her like it was Christmas morning, and said, “Jime c’mon wake up! We are going skiing today!!” She was still sleeping haha. So I went to the kitchen and made her some breakfast which I sat at the end of her bed. “Here eat this and get dressed” I said. I ran back down the hall and put on the ski clothes that my Swedish friend Martina so kindly lent me, and was ready to go. Jimena and I found out about this trip from a flyer found on our accommodation wall. I saw that it was on my birthday and I was sold, so we called the number and paid online. Then we met at Science Drive, a building on campus, with all the other random friends we were about to ski with. We took a bus to a Ski resort only about 30 minutes away, it was great because it was so close, but still felt like a brand new place. I got a pass for the slopes and rented skis for the day. So finally, I was at the top of the hill, all strapped in and geared up. I don’t know why I felt so confident, but I just went for it, and pushed off with my ski sticks down the bunny slope (which by the way was extremely steep for beginners.) As it was my first time, you could imagine that this series of events did not end well for me. Ha. I was unaware that you should absolutely never go straight down a hill, instead you turn from side to side (kind of like a snake) so yes, there I was, the first time ever skiing, in front of probably 40 people, flying down the hill at Olympic speed and trying to stop by stabbing my flimsy ski sticks into the snow in front of me, that did not work. So I bent my knees and crouched down, like you would in roller skating and losing your balance. Too bad in skiing, that makes you go even faster. Just when I thought this moment would never end, I just plopped my butt down in the snow until I skid down the hill to a halt. That was probably the most exhilarating/stupid thing I have ever done. It was so worth it.

After that, the rest of my time skiing consisted of me taking it easy and staying on the flat snow practicing my turns and stops. Once that portion was over, it was Fika time. Fika is officially my favorite Swedish word. It is more used as an expression than a single word and means, “Let’s grab some coffee or lunch” or whatever you want it to be. I have had fika with Swedish Chocoballs and cafĂ©, some strawberry juice and a brownie, and also a snickers latte with a croissant. Fika is a way of life here. Even when I was in my French class, my professor stopped mid-lecture to excuse the class for a 20 minute fika. Then we all came back to our seats and she continued the lesson while sipping on her warm vanilla latte. Gotta love it.
Back to my ski day, after Fika we all piled back onto the bus and headed to the Sauna resort.  This turned out slightly different than I had imagined. When we arrived we walked into a small cottage looking house with a kitchen, sauna, and two showers. The sauna probably could comfortably fit maybe 5 people, and we fit about 12. Ha. Also, the Jacuzzi was I think the world’s first Jacuzzi ever invented. It had a furnace where you had to light a fire underneath it in order for it to heat up. I felt like a pot of boiling chickens. There was a bit of trouble lighting this fire, so the water was more like a luke warm bath, and with the snow surrounding us, it was seriously cold. I am not upset though because it turned into quite a bonding experience for all of us. We all huddled together to keep warm and kept talking about who would get prunier fingers first.  Then we would jump out and run to the lodge where we would rinse off and go sit in the sauna. This was my favorite part. We would all cram in this little steamy wooden room and share stories. Then, once it became unbearably hot, we would grab our towels and bolt out the doors to jump into the fluffy snow. It was insane, but then we just plunged right into the now hot outdoor Jacuzzi. We continued this cycle 3 or 4 more times before it was time to shower off, get dressed, and catch the bus home. The ride back I played The Shins, Chutes Too Narrow Album.  It was the most relaxing bus ride I have ever had. And a great night’s sleep.

One year Older

So today is my 22nd birthday and I am SO excited that I could barely sleep. Last night was phenomenal too. I was in my room about to pick my outfit out for the night, when I hear a knock on my door. It was Jimena and she asked what I was doing, I told her nothing why? Then she swung open my door to show me my hallway full of about 30 of my roommates with a cake and over sized birthday card to present to me. I was in complete shock! I think this was the first birthday in many years, that I absolutely wasn't expecting anything. I mean, I know I am supposed to say that I never expect something, but there are always those best friends that you know something is up their sleeve ;) So yes, it was the most pleasant surprise and almost made me cry when they were singing me happy birthday. Then we all stampeded to the largest kitchen and sliced the cake. The cake was this amazing cheesecake with chocolate crust, made by my new friend Ana from Germany. I told her she should open up her own shop; she would make a great living. 
After cake, Jimena and I continued to get ready for the night out. I was particularly excited about getting dressed up tonight not only because it was my birthday at midnight, but because I had just spent the day shopping with my Swedish model friend Hanna. I bought, you guessed it, two new pairs of birthday boots!  I also bought some leggings and new items that would make me blend in a little more with these gorgeous Swedes. I have come to the conclusion that although the weather here in Jonkoping is typically 30 degrees and snowy, it is completely irrelevant to the women living here. They all dress so stylish, and it has given me a new motivation to go shopping. I love the European style. This includes: leggings, killer boots, any over-sized scarf, a form-fitting sweater, and generally a waist length- fluffy hooded jacket. And if they can incorporate leather and amazing purses somewhere in there you are golden.   My personal style includes all of the above, plus I like to add a pop of color with usually a colorful scarf, pink blush, or a bright colored sweater that peaks through my jacket. To say, “hey I am reppin’ the sunshine state, where everyone is bright and happy.”
new skirt, leggings, and BOOTS!

The night out was fun, we caught the bus to my Swedish girl friend Alexandra’s apartment, which is also super modern and swanky (like Ikea) She had light wood floors with white walls and furniture, then pillows and paintings on the walls that added a big splash of color for contrast. We had our pre-party there (because the beverages out are typically $13 per drink- insane!) The reason the Swedes must pay so much for alcohol now is because the government here realized that because the Swedish are so shy in nature, they depend on alcohol to let loose and become more outgoing. Or what my sisters and I would call, “liquid courage.” So as you might figure, the Swedish depended more and more on drinking to the point where there was too much public intoxication and people were putting themselves in danger. Thus, now the Swedes must pay for this, and pre-parties were born. After the pre-party at Alexandra’s, we went to a bar that one of my new IA friends works at. It was similar to an Ale House, except a third of the size. Then we made our way to Bongo’s across the street. Now this place was my kind of style. For those of you who go downtown Orlando, it is similar to BBQ bar and plays Indie rock, has swanky couches, and local paintings on the wall. I was having such an amazing night with my friends and had a few birthday drinks, mostly screwdrivers (orange juice and vodka- reminds me of homeJ) and just as I thought this night couldn’t get any better, my friends Victor and Jimena had secretly told the DJ to play a song that fit the entire essence of this night, “American Woman” by Lenny Kravitz! In this moment, I realized how completely blessed I am, and how I am so surprised that I am spending my 22nd birthday in an Indie Bar in Sweden, dancing to Lenny Kravitz with 30 people from all over the world. I had a great night.
Birthday drink for me! Mintu, an extremely popular beverage in Sweden.