Saturday, February 11, 2012

5 things your man will love.

As a loving girlfriend, I am learning that my Swedish man loves when I do these 5 things in no particular order. So for all you dating gals, this post is for you.

 "Man time." As long as you're not with a "needy" guy, you probably have a self-sufficient man that works hard daily. Now what us females need to understand, even if your man is madly in love with you, he still needs his "Man Time." This could make up a variety of different activities. Maybe reading up on the latest technology gadgets, or fixing those shelves that have been wobbly, or just watching the latest episode of two and a half men, your man just needs his outlet, his moment to recharge his "man batteries," if you will. So just give the cuddle time a rest, and get out of the house or go in the other room for a while to give him space. This will be healthy for both him and you. After all, a gal needs her independent woman time too. ;)

Acts of service. When studying for my degree in Communications. I read the novel Five Love Languages. These are: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. Every person usually speaks 2 or 3 love languages. We can all assume that physical is most likely one of a mans dialects, but what some girls don't know is that a guy really values acts of service. So instead of writing another love note to your man, try showing him you love him by washing the dishes, taking out the trash, or helping him with yard work. And if there is nothing you can see that needs done, just ask, "Can I help you with anything babe?" and watch him smile with appreciation.

Max burgers, the delicious Swedish version of McDonald's!
A good meal. I know its cliche, and extremely traditional for the woman to cook. And here in Sweden it is all about gender equality, which means my boyfriend and I typically cook together, unless of course we treat ourselves to a Max meal. But every once in a while, I like to surprise my boyfriend with a hot meal right when he gets home from work. One of my specialties is Quesadilla night. But the best part is he never expects it, which makes me want to surprise him again and again. I believe a partner should give everything they have, and not expect anything in return. That way, you both get spoiled naturally. :)

Thrifty-ness. Hopefully you are with a somewhat responsible man, where he is smart with his money. One way to really impress your man, and also keep him happy, is being a smart and thrifty lady. Although not all of us girls are shopoholics, I believe we all like to treat ourselves to a new blouse or boots every once in a while. The key is ladies, to shop around and find the very best deal. Do not be that girl that starts to look like a border-line "sugar baby" and asking for the latest designer this and top-of-line that, All this does is add unnecessary pressure to the relationship, and stresses your man out. Instead, get excited about saving money!  Which means do your research before you pull out the credit card. Also, why not strive for the ideal, which is a professional coupon queen! This step is challenging for me at the moment, as all the coupons are in Swedish, but I am learning. So ladies, shop away! When you are financially smart, your man will gain a whole new level of respect and admiration for his thrifty lil' girl.

Spoil dates. Why should it just be the girl that always gets spoiled? Sometimes I like to switch it up a bit and do a boyfriend pamper session. Because my boyfriend likes being well-groomed, I do spa treatments for him full with a mani/pedi foot massage date. Or we watch a movie of his choice and I'll sneak off to come back with yummy coke floats. Because my man treats me like a princess, it's nice to show him that he can relax and be a treated like royalty too. 

And we all know Valentines Day or Alla hjÀrtans dag is coming up, so go ahead and make your Valentine fall in love with you all over again. 


  1. Crazy, you live in Sweden now? Cool! I like your 'Man Time' rule, so true.

    Hi from O-Town, Tim Nethers

    1. Yep, in Sweden now. Pursuing my Masters degree here in the snow. But yes, guys need their space, if you're girlfriend disagrees, you can have her talk to me! ;)

  2. Great Blog, I love Photoshop. How do you exchange links?
