Saturday, November 24, 2012

Swedish pancakes

Black Friday

This weekend has been pretty productive thus far. Friday night I had a little quality time with my bf, or as Swede's like to say  "fredagsmys" (Friday cozy) with some delicious kebab pizza and watched the movie "Good Will Hunting." Great autumn movie by the way, I had never seen it before then. 

Pancake Saturday
I attempted to make Swedish pancakes, which nothing like American style thick and fluffy pancakes smothered in butter and maple syrup. Its very similiar to the French crepe actually, and Swedes typically eat it with "lingonsylt" which is a cranberry jam type thing. I ate mine with Smuckers Orange marmalade and Nutella. mmm. After, I planned my grocery list for this Thanksgiving feast I am hosting next week for my Swedish family (Thanksgiving post coming soon) I am also planning on doing something that was very dear to my childhood, arts and crafts!! Thanks to Pinterest, I have loads of adorable craft ideas for the kids to do on our Turkey day. (you'll see how those turn out later...but they involve pine cones, use your imagination!)

I have been trying to study and work on my school projects, but man...can procrastination be diagnosed as an illness? haha, I wish I had some kind of prescription to cure this thing, but in the mean time I finished my motivation letter to apply for an Exchange program to Austria! I am very pleased with letter, and even went the extra mile and made a nice banner at the top, an image of the city. :)

Welp, that was my day. Have you done anything productive today? I hope so. If not, here's a tip: write an old friend on Facebook, you know, that one you've been meaning to catch up with for a while? Yeah, that one, bet you'll feel glad you did. :) 

Natty natt allihopa!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thursday in Gothenburg

First, Id like to say to you all Happy Thanksgiving! I won't be having any official thanksgiving feast until next week when my Swedish family will all be available.

Today I started my day very early 5:30am to get to my 8am lecture in Gothenburg city. It's not easy living so far out of town, but my bf and I are still looking everyday for a city apartment. Today I learned a new computer program called SPSS. It is a statistics-based program, which made me realize how long its been since I've studied math. SCARY!

After class was finally over I got the chance to check out the job fair happening next door at the School of Business. It was really cool, I got to network with some good companies, and got free goodies too! :)

Once that was done I met with my group for a current recruitment project we are working on for HRM course. When we were through I got to go to the gym and really relax. One of my favorite parts about my day was probably the walks in between tram rides and seeing all the new festive Christmas decorations popping up in town. Also, staying a few minutes after my group work to chat and just be silly with my friends. I am really starting to get comfortable here in Gothenburg, and I am thankful for all those who have supported me thus far to get where I am now. :)  What are you thankful for? Today's the day to think about that. 

Happy Thanksgiving allihopa!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"Green" culture.

I attended a lecture the other day in the School of Business. There was a guest lecturer named Björn Stigsson. He talked about how Generation Y is responsible for the future of this world. And how we need to plan, study, and take action to preserve this Earth. It was very inspiring and as a future HR manager, I will be incorporating this into my personal mission statement.

I love how Swede's take sustainability very seriously and as a personal obligation. Being "green" here is a cultural thing, and if you so much as throw away an aluminum can instead of recycling it, you will get many dirty looks and perhaps a lecture from your friends.

I hope to one day bring this "green" culture back to America, and spread it until it becomes a personal issue that people actually care about, not just a corporate issue that companies use to make themselves look responsible.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Life is too short: 10 ways to live your life right now.

Imagine you are on your way to hang out with some friends downtown and you get a flat tire. You pull over on the side of the busy highway and go to check it out. Then suddenly, a yellow Jeep that is not paying attention is trucking full speed ahead. You, unaware of the immense danger are checking your friends flat and trying to see how you can help fix it when suddenly, its dark.

Recently this very scenario happened to one of my dearest friends.He was unconscious in the hospital for about a 2 weeks and I am still receiving updates about him. This news was texted to me over iPhone Whatsapp Messenger all the way from Florida to me here in Sweden. It was devastating to hear. I cried for about two days straight, and had about 3 sleepless nights. All the while my boyfriend was incredibly supportive. Holding me close when I was whimpering in bed and even when he could barely keep his eyes open, if he heard me get upset in the night he would reach over and squeeze my hand tight. But all this emotion made me realize one thing. Life is so short. And what we all must realize, is that unlike our furry feline friends....we only have one life!

I have thought long and hard about what it is to truly live...and here are my top 10 tips to start living your life with purpose.

1. Don't argue over petty things. Forgive people, and do what is right. And please, just put away your pride. Having pride is useless, and will only hurt you in the end.

2. Be healthy. You only get one body. And if you plan on living a long life, remember that when you are young and impulsive (ie. tanning beds, plastic surgery, tattoos, piercings.)

3. Dress and look your best everyday. Why not be your best self? Not next year, right friggen now.

4. Get rid of negative people in your life. Anyone who makes you feel bad about yourself is NOT a friend. Drop them. Or if your in a bad relationship, get out. I experienced a year being in a mentally abusive me from experience, life goes on, and gets much much better. You have to give up to go up! I live by the quote, Go where you are celebrated, not tolerated."

5. Make a bucket list. And do it.

6. Save your money for something good. stop doing those impulse buys ladies, and get something you really value like a trip, or a good quality winter coat, or even a great gift to your mom or best friend. For everyday motivation to not buy that random top on sale, or that $5 Starbucks coffee, I read these budget blogs to keep me centered and focused. I think women have more an issue with this than men, but could learn how to cut your monthly spending by $400 or why it feels oh-so good to not spend your money! 

7. Laugh. My mother asked my boyfriend, "Out of all the beautiful Scandinavian girls you meet there, why did you pick my daughter?" I mortified, but curious to hear his answer. He replied, "She makes me laugh everyday." At first I was feeling like he just put me in the "not cute-but good personality" category...but then my mother said something profound. She smiled and replied, "Laughter is the very best thing to have with your partner. Physical beauty fades, but laughter and happiness is the beauty of life."

8. Help someone. With no hidden agenda of your own.

9. Learn something new. My friend that is in the hospital had fractured his skull and was in a coma which could have easily lead to brain damage, but he is recovering more and more everyday and slowly returning to his sharp-minded, witty self. I am so amazed with his mental progress. I truly believe this is because he is always learning new things and exercising his brain. He loves puzzles, music, painting, and he studies health medicine. I'd like to share with you why learning new things is so vital for your brain health. And I call dibs on the first game of Scrabble with you when you recover Kenny.

10. Remind yourself everyday how short life is. Watch the news, go to church, or even wear something like Buddhist worry beads. This little guy is a daily reminder that we might not have tomorrow, so live in the moment, take time for people, and absolutely do not worry. They come in all different colors for men and women, and it is a reminder to stay focused on what truly matters in life.

Hope you learned something, I know I do everyday.


Devin Rene

PS - Please keep my friend Kenny in your prayers.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bringin sexy back.

Why not bring out your ultra sexy side this summer and do things to make you stand a good way!
Me after just 15 minutes with velcro rollers!

A simple and easy way to get your look from flat and drab to voluminous and sexy is velcro hair rollers! I just bought my first set and let me tell you, it was worth every kronor! [Swedish money ;)]
Here is a good tutorial on how to get this look. 
Another perk with this look  is you feel super Glam when you're getting ready and doing
your makeup. Makes me feel like a Victoria's Secret Angel!
Another great way to feel great this summer is EXERCISE! I know, it sounds simple. But, it is so easy to put off those crunches or say you will go running another day...

but I have a secret weapon for you..

You need someone to hold you accountable! Or "accountabilibuddy" as I like to call it. Finding someones to work out with, and to push you is a fail-proof way to make sure you get the sexy body you want.

Or if you really just can't find anyone available, the next best thing is post it to your Facebook status or "check-in" at the gym before you actually arrive. That will hold you to your guns! wouldn't want to be a liar...right? ;)

I have become obsessed with Instagram and I just started following coldwarkidds. They basically post pictures of skinny chicks with great flats stomachs. Just browse through this album every time your walking into the gym and that will be immediate motivation, trust me.
 Coldwarkidds on Instagram!
Feel too lazy to do your hair or hit the gym? 

Then heres my last suggestion: Make healthy food choices this summer. Switch these simple items, and I know you will feel more energetic, healthier, and just sexier!

                                                                milk           non fat milk
                                                                soda          water
                                                                bread        lettuce
                                                                candy        fruit
                                                                chips         carrots or broccoli
                                                                 beef         chicken or fish

Enjoy everyone...and get your sexy back already!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How to get that "Summer" feel this season.

Here in Sweden it is basically the winter season for 7 months out of the year. So when the thermometer rises, and the sun comes out, you know you have to truly take advantage of this fabulous season.

I have come up with my favorite things to do to really get me 'in the mood' of summer. In two weeks I will be putting all these tips to the ultimate test when my boyfriend and I throw our "Summer Bash Party!"

1. Summer jams. I have found this one of kind site/iphone app that has already-made playlists. It is called  8 tracks. The cool thing about it is that you don't have to spend all afternoon searching artists, albums or even can search your mood! Such as study, party, cleaning, chill, summer, workout, etc. I love the playlist names too, make me giggle. One of my favorites atm is called "Sweat like a pig, look like a fox" helping me train for my half marathon. ;)

2. Dress the part. Here in Sweden, fashion is no joke. As soon as the sun shines for one day, everyone busts out their shorts, sandals, and "beachy" accessories. And if you want to catch this seasons feel, I suggest you do the same. Things that are super trendy right now are shorts, ombre (hair and clothes), wedge shoes, chunky jewelery, maxi dresses, and of course COLOR.

3. Sexy beach hair. Long or short, thin or thick, every girl has tricks to turn her girl next door look into a beach bombshell. One of my fav things to do is watch youtube tutorials. It's also really fun to laugh at the really outrageous girls on there, but mostly, its fun to be bold and try new hairstyles this season. Here are some seriously helpful tutorials:
beachy waves (skip to 1:17 if you can't be bothered with intro) 
big voluminous hair (using Velcro rollers)
&& don't worry if you have short hair, you can always get clip-in extensions for the summer look. this is me with mine, I absolutely love them for going out. And my bf thinks I look super sexy with long hair <3

4. Stay in the shade. Owning and sporting a pair of "Sunnies" that is in Aussie language, is a must this summer. I think there are two mandatory summer shades. Aviators, or ray-Ban style. Or you can have some fun and wear heart-shaped. 

5. A bronze tan. Now, I don't know why chicks think skin cancer is sexy, but I have gained a whole new respect for a healthy lifestyle here in Sweden. With that being said, a bronze tan CAN be achieved without slowly killing yourself in the tanning beds ladies. I recommend self tanning lotion and bronzer. there are plenty of brands out there, but if your looking for a suggestion I like Dove Summer Glow.

6. Get yourself a cold drink.  So I don't know about the rest of you, but I am obsessed with Pinterest. The reason I mention this is because I have gotten the most inspirational and fun recipes from this site. On cocktail I might be trying at my Bash is Nectarine Vodka Chillers, yum! Check out Pinterest, you won't regret it.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Girls night out. Swedish style.

Swedish girls say "Klackarna i taket," a Swedish phrase which translates to "heels hit the roof." This means that you're going to paint the town red and have a great time. And that is precisely what we did. ;)

Friday, March 23, 2012

2012 Defined.

2012 is the year of Expression. From its information overload on Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, etc., to its extremely bright and colorful clothing trends, this year is all about expressing yourself to the 100th degree!

Which brings me to my next question, when did it become such a crime to let someone know how you feel? 

For Guys

Embrace your sensitive side and realize that there is more to life than your pride and reputation. I guarantee you will make some major breakthroughs. It might be with a specific lady friend, that you just can't seem to see you outside the "friend zone?" Perhaps it is a family member that you're always too afraid to open up to? Or maybe even your partner that you are with right now? Let them in more. Trust that the passion and love will grow stronger.

Don't know how to start? Open up your bubble to things that will allow you to learn how to express yourself. Maybe watch a show like Sex and the City. Don't laugh, I will tell you why! Because this show is about relationships, and communicating. If anything, you might learn a few more things about what women want. Don't worry if your embarrassed. Your "sensitive side" will remain a secret between us girls. ;)

For Girls

I feel like the "modern day woman" has gone from what was once soft delicate woman and has mutated into this battling knight-tress covered in armor to protect her heart and feelings from ever being hurt, or quite possibly, from even being seen. Honestly, its sad. One of the qualities that make women most beautiful is their emotions. Ladies, I say put down your iron gate, and allow others to see your sensitive interior again. What have you got to lose? The way I see it, you could live covered in armor that is constantly dragging you  down and hiding you, or you can choose to express yourselves fully this year. 

For All

Don't be afraid to let people into your lives. And not to be morbid, but you could actually die tomorrow. So before you second guess yourself or get scared, go and tell those who matter to you that you love them. Express yourself.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

the beauty of a simplified life.

'"Why does everything have to be so...unsettled?"
The other day I saw on the cover of an IKEA catalog this quote: 
"Live smart, not big." 

What does this mean to you?

Here in Sweden, people live extremely practical, clean, and efficient lives. As a born and raised American girl, I know that sometimes it isn't so simple in our 'All-American' lifestyles. 

I have integrated my life into the Swedish culture, and with that, I have created order in my world. It is extremely liberating and now I finally feel at peace and not at war with my surroundings.

Here's how to simplify your world

Get in Sync. Hopefully, if you've realized this is 2012, then you have your own laptop, smartphone, iPod, and maybe flat screen television. And if you do have these gadgets, you need to stop fumbling around with them, or switching from one to the other, and create a "smart home." All of these machines are designed to work together and sync up. So take a weekend to watch the 'How To' videos on YouTube and start living in an efficient household. If you simply cannot comprehend this advanced technology, then I suggest calling your best "Techy" friend and ask them to help you out.

Everything has a place. create storage containers and shelves to organize your closet, desk space, and overall home. A bigger effort would be to conceal these extra organizers with curtains or drawers. Most importantly, get something to put all your important documents in! I know most of us are still students and don't have 'grown up' lives yet, but you need to start being responsible for your information. Such as W-2 slips, pay stubs, car insurance, and God forbid parking/traffic citations. When my younger sister just started college, I bought her a filing folder. She still uses it today. I personally use the pink one you see here. What? Who says you can't have fun being responsible? ;)

Filter and refine. Before I moved here to Sweden I had SO many clothes and just "stuff" in my room. I took my spare time and went through my entire closet, dressers, and edited my things. I made a "trash" pile, "giveaway" pile, and "keep" pile. Before I knew it I had 6 garbage bags full of things to donate. After that, I had a clean, and tidy space that I was proud to call home. 

Be sentimental, but not a hoarder. I know when I was in college there were so many amazing memories I made. And to hold on to those memories, I thought I had to hold onto the 'things' that came from them. Like an old flyer, a silly hat, or a huge obnoxious stuffed animal. But then I had an epiphany, you can keep these memories and be organized! It's what I like to call being "Systematically Sentimental." Instead of keeping those dust collectors, take a photo of them, or scan them into your computer so you can always come across it, without having to physically trip over it.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

5 things your man will love.

As a loving girlfriend, I am learning that my Swedish man loves when I do these 5 things in no particular order. So for all you dating gals, this post is for you.

 "Man time." As long as you're not with a "needy" guy, you probably have a self-sufficient man that works hard daily. Now what us females need to understand, even if your man is madly in love with you, he still needs his "Man Time." This could make up a variety of different activities. Maybe reading up on the latest technology gadgets, or fixing those shelves that have been wobbly, or just watching the latest episode of two and a half men, your man just needs his outlet, his moment to recharge his "man batteries," if you will. So just give the cuddle time a rest, and get out of the house or go in the other room for a while to give him space. This will be healthy for both him and you. After all, a gal needs her independent woman time too. ;)

Acts of service. When studying for my degree in Communications. I read the novel Five Love Languages. These are: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. Every person usually speaks 2 or 3 love languages. We can all assume that physical is most likely one of a mans dialects, but what some girls don't know is that a guy really values acts of service. So instead of writing another love note to your man, try showing him you love him by washing the dishes, taking out the trash, or helping him with yard work. And if there is nothing you can see that needs done, just ask, "Can I help you with anything babe?" and watch him smile with appreciation.

Max burgers, the delicious Swedish version of McDonald's!
A good meal. I know its cliche, and extremely traditional for the woman to cook. And here in Sweden it is all about gender equality, which means my boyfriend and I typically cook together, unless of course we treat ourselves to a Max meal. But every once in a while, I like to surprise my boyfriend with a hot meal right when he gets home from work. One of my specialties is Quesadilla night. But the best part is he never expects it, which makes me want to surprise him again and again. I believe a partner should give everything they have, and not expect anything in return. That way, you both get spoiled naturally. :)

Thrifty-ness. Hopefully you are with a somewhat responsible man, where he is smart with his money. One way to really impress your man, and also keep him happy, is being a smart and thrifty lady. Although not all of us girls are shopoholics, I believe we all like to treat ourselves to a new blouse or boots every once in a while. The key is ladies, to shop around and find the very best deal. Do not be that girl that starts to look like a border-line "sugar baby" and asking for the latest designer this and top-of-line that, All this does is add unnecessary pressure to the relationship, and stresses your man out. Instead, get excited about saving money!  Which means do your research before you pull out the credit card. Also, why not strive for the ideal, which is a professional coupon queen! This step is challenging for me at the moment, as all the coupons are in Swedish, but I am learning. So ladies, shop away! When you are financially smart, your man will gain a whole new level of respect and admiration for his thrifty lil' girl.

Spoil dates. Why should it just be the girl that always gets spoiled? Sometimes I like to switch it up a bit and do a boyfriend pamper session. Because my boyfriend likes being well-groomed, I do spa treatments for him full with a mani/pedi foot massage date. Or we watch a movie of his choice and I'll sneak off to come back with yummy coke floats. Because my man treats me like a princess, it's nice to show him that he can relax and be a treated like royalty too. 

And we all know Valentines Day or Alla hjärtans dag is coming up, so go ahead and make your Valentine fall in love with you all over again. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Change of pace? Change your place.

I have been here in Sweden for about a month now, and because I now live in a  super small town, my life was starting to feel a little...stale. Then I got an invitation from my girlfriend that lives in another city to come and visit her. I thought to myself, why not go and visit my girlfriends for the weekend and switch up the scenery a bit? So I did. It was the best time. 

The girls and I on our way to the city center for some shopping and a warm fika.
Although the comfort of your home or "usual" places like Starbucks or that same restaurant is natural for you, you may be feeling how I felt which is slightly un-amused and looking for something "more." I say, just GO for it.

Try to Avoid excuses. If you are thinking, "Well, I didn't get any personal invites to a new town..." Take the initiative! and contact an old friend, see if you can't make plans to visit. And if you can't go to them, for financial or other reasons, see if you can host them visiting you. It is a refreshing experience  when you get to show someone around your town, makes you appreciate and feel proud about where you are from.

Typical Swedish sandwiches and pastries at "Viskan," voted best cafe in Boras.
Where we had  our Fika.
I had a great weekend in Borås, Sweden. I took a train and bus to get there, and the journey was just as amusing as the destination. 

But the best part is I was so happy to come home. After a long weekend of catching up with friends, shopping, dining, dancing, and travelling, I was completely content with coming home and laying on my couch, having some pizza and watching the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, a Swedish original film.

Friday, January 20, 2012

No Guts. No Glory.

No Guts.
Waiting for my bus into the city. Very scenic ride actually.
So, many people have wondered, what is it like to live in a city where you have absolutely no idea what people are saying? I'll sum it up for you, its Hard. But, the key is to make it fun, and entertaining. I am sure many of you are trying new things that may have you feeling, well, uncomfortable. But that is what life is all about! For those of you who feel "comfortable" with your lives, tell me, what is the most exciting thing you've done lately? Probably taking you a while to think about that...that is because you aren't living your life to the fullest!

No Glory.
Try and do something different today, and see how you feel. I bet you won't regret stepping out of your comfort zone. Chances are, you will gain something positive from it. Like a new friend, piece of mind, or a new self confidence knowing that you were brave enough to try that new "thing."

                                                                      Fun and Entertaining.
"Robert's Mocca" at my new favorite cafe Robert's Coffee.
Now, back to what I was saying earlier, about the whole making it fun and entertaining thing. I live in Sweden, where everyone is speaking Swedish, and they have no idea that I haven't got a clue about the words that are coming out of their mouths. Instead of my natural reaction, which is to sit quietly and avoid eye contact so they wont speak to me, I like to catch em' off-guard. Surprise them and say "Hello!" I love seeing the expression on their faces when I randomly throw some English into the mix. So next time, you are thinking about sitting quietly, try and surprise others, but most of all surprise yourself! I guarantee your life will get more interesting by the minute.

We only have one life to live. Take chances. Make people smile. Both will make life much more meaningful.

Friday, January 13, 2012

red white and blue to yellow and blue.

My boyfriend just stayed with me for 3 weeks in America. He has never been to the US before, which made it that much more entertaining to watch what he found "intriguing." The differences between America and Sweden are not too extreme, but they certainly do exist. I had fun showing him how we "roll" in the south. ;)