Saturday, November 24, 2012

Swedish pancakes

Black Friday

This weekend has been pretty productive thus far. Friday night I had a little quality time with my bf, or as Swede's like to say  "fredagsmys" (Friday cozy) with some delicious kebab pizza and watched the movie "Good Will Hunting." Great autumn movie by the way, I had never seen it before then. 

Pancake Saturday
I attempted to make Swedish pancakes, which nothing like American style thick and fluffy pancakes smothered in butter and maple syrup. Its very similiar to the French crepe actually, and Swedes typically eat it with "lingonsylt" which is a cranberry jam type thing. I ate mine with Smuckers Orange marmalade and Nutella. mmm. After, I planned my grocery list for this Thanksgiving feast I am hosting next week for my Swedish family (Thanksgiving post coming soon) I am also planning on doing something that was very dear to my childhood, arts and crafts!! Thanks to Pinterest, I have loads of adorable craft ideas for the kids to do on our Turkey day. (you'll see how those turn out later...but they involve pine cones, use your imagination!)

I have been trying to study and work on my school projects, but man...can procrastination be diagnosed as an illness? haha, I wish I had some kind of prescription to cure this thing, but in the mean time I finished my motivation letter to apply for an Exchange program to Austria! I am very pleased with letter, and even went the extra mile and made a nice banner at the top, an image of the city. :)

Welp, that was my day. Have you done anything productive today? I hope so. If not, here's a tip: write an old friend on Facebook, you know, that one you've been meaning to catch up with for a while? Yeah, that one, bet you'll feel glad you did. :) 

Natty natt allihopa!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thursday in Gothenburg

First, Id like to say to you all Happy Thanksgiving! I won't be having any official thanksgiving feast until next week when my Swedish family will all be available.

Today I started my day very early 5:30am to get to my 8am lecture in Gothenburg city. It's not easy living so far out of town, but my bf and I are still looking everyday for a city apartment. Today I learned a new computer program called SPSS. It is a statistics-based program, which made me realize how long its been since I've studied math. SCARY!

After class was finally over I got the chance to check out the job fair happening next door at the School of Business. It was really cool, I got to network with some good companies, and got free goodies too! :)

Once that was done I met with my group for a current recruitment project we are working on for HRM course. When we were through I got to go to the gym and really relax. One of my favorite parts about my day was probably the walks in between tram rides and seeing all the new festive Christmas decorations popping up in town. Also, staying a few minutes after my group work to chat and just be silly with my friends. I am really starting to get comfortable here in Gothenburg, and I am thankful for all those who have supported me thus far to get where I am now. :)  What are you thankful for? Today's the day to think about that. 

Happy Thanksgiving allihopa!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"Green" culture.

I attended a lecture the other day in the School of Business. There was a guest lecturer named Björn Stigsson. He talked about how Generation Y is responsible for the future of this world. And how we need to plan, study, and take action to preserve this Earth. It was very inspiring and as a future HR manager, I will be incorporating this into my personal mission statement.

I love how Swede's take sustainability very seriously and as a personal obligation. Being "green" here is a cultural thing, and if you so much as throw away an aluminum can instead of recycling it, you will get many dirty looks and perhaps a lecture from your friends.

I hope to one day bring this "green" culture back to America, and spread it until it becomes a personal issue that people actually care about, not just a corporate issue that companies use to make themselves look responsible.